Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kidney Disorder

Kidney disorder occurs when kidney do not function normally. Kidneys are a bean shaped in structure located on either side of the spine just above the waist,performing several life sustaining roles. It helps to regulate blood pressure by balancing fluid.

The commonest causes of Kidney disorder are: Diabetes, Hypertention, Glumerulonephritis, Polycystic kidney disease,High Cholesterol, Use of analgeics like acetamenophen and ibuprofen for long duaration, clogging and hardening of artey ( atherosclerosis), Obstruction of urine flow by stones, Enlarged prostate, Stricture, cancer , Sickle cell disease, HIV infection, Herion abuse etc.

The kidneys are remarkable in their ability to compensate for problems in their function. That is why kidney disorder may progress without symptoms for a long time until only very minimal kidney function is left. Many people never realize they have a kidney problem until a symptom such as back pain or blood in the urine appears.The symptoms of Kidney disorder are:-1. Pain and tenderness inthe back and abdomen. 2. Need to urinate frequently especially at night (nocturia). 3. Loss of appetite, headache, nausea and vomitting. 4. Burning micturition abdominal pain associated with urinaray tract infection.5.Blood in the urine 6.Odema of the leg and puffiness of eyes 7. Flank and abdominal masses in infant. 8. Shortness of breath from fluid accumulation in the lungs. 9. Itching, easy bruising, and pale skin. 10. Decreased sexual interest or erectile dysfunction.

Medication cannot reverse the kidney disorder but it helps to treat the symptoms and complication to prevent further damage and slow the  progress of the disorder.           
1. Antihypertensive medication to keep blood pressure at safe range below 130/, ACE Inhibitors, diuretics,vasodilators, angiotensin II receptor blocker,beta blocker, calcium channel blocker,direct renin inhibitor. 2. medication to lower the cholesterol level 3. Erythropoietin to induce production of more red blood cells and reduce anaemia. This may help relieve the fatigue and weakness that's associated with anemia. 4. Diuretics to balance fluid volume in the body. 5. Dialysis 6. kidney transplantation
              Calcium and vitamin D suplements, iron supplements, low protein diet inorder to minimize waste product in the body,Phosphorus-lowering medications(calcium carbonate, calcitirol),Minimize use of salt,milk, cheese, nuts, and cola drinks.

Checking  blood pressure regularly,control and keep blood sugar at normal level, saty at healthy weight which can prevent diabetes and blood pressurse,maintain cholesterol level,donot smoke,avoid using non prescription drug like acetamenophen, aspirin, regular exercise, manage any medical condition with doctors help.

Potential treatment and Research
1.Drug rapamycin could be a potential treatment for kidney disease, according to a study at UC Santa Barbara.
2.Oral Tolvaptan Tablets Regiments in Adult Subjects With Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease,Susan Spiegel, Development & Public Affairs
3.LCP-Tacro™, which may be used in the future to improve the care of transplant patients. 

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